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- /*⌐ Copyright 1989-1991 UserLand Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.*/
- #define __IAC__ /*so other modules can tell that we've been included*/
- #ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
- #include <AppleEvents.h>
- #endif
- typedef struct tyIACglobals { /*this global record helps keep param lists short*/
- AppleEvent *event; /*the current event being processed*/
- AppleEvent *reply; /*the reply to the current event*/
- long refcon; /*the refcon info passed with the message*/
- } tyIACglobals;
- extern tyIACglobals IACglobals;
- typedef pascal Boolean (*tyFScallback) (FSSpec *);
- /*interapplication communication prototypes*/
- pascal Boolean IACinit (void);
- pascal Boolean IAChaveappleevents (void);
- pascal Boolean IACinstallhandler (AEEventClass, AEEventID, ProcPtr);
- pascal Boolean IACinstallcoercionhandler (DescType, DescType, ProcPtr);
- pascal Boolean IACnewverb (OSType, OSType, OSType, AppleEvent *);
- pascal Boolean IACsendverb (AppleEvent *, AppleEvent *);
- pascal Boolean IACdisposeverb (AppleEvent *);
- pascal OSType IACgetverbtoken (void);
- pascal short IACwaitroutine (EventRecord *, long *, RgnHandle *);
- pascal Boolean IACiserrorreply (Str255);
- pascal Boolean IACstringtotext (Str255, Handle *);
- pascal Boolean IACtexttostring (Handle, Str255);
- pascal Boolean IACpushstringparam (Str255, OSType);
- pascal Boolean IACpushCstringparam (Str255, OSType);
- pascal Boolean IACpushbooleanparam (Boolean val, OSType keyword);
- pascal Boolean IACpushshortparam (short, OSType);
- pascal Boolean IACpushlongparam (long, OSType);
- pascal short IACpushbinaryparam (Handle, OSType);
- pascal short IACpushtextparam (Handle, OSType);
- pascal Boolean IACgetbinaryparam (OSType, Handle *);
- pascal Boolean IACgetstringparam (OSType, Str255);
- pascal Boolean IACgetCstringparam (OSType, Str255);
- pascal Boolean IACgetbooleanparam (OSType, Boolean *);
- pascal Boolean IACgetshortparam (OSType, short *);
- pascal Boolean IACgetlongparam (OSType, long *);
- pascal Boolean IACgetrectparam (OSType, Rect *);
- pascal Boolean IACgetpointparam (OSType, Point *);
- pascal Boolean IACgettextparam (OSType, Handle *);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnboolean (Boolean);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnshort (short);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnlong (long);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnrect (Rect *);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnpoint (Point *);
- pascal Boolean IACreturntext (Handle);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnstring (Str255);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnbinary (Handle);
- pascal Boolean IACreturnerror (short, Str255);
- pascal void IACnothandlederror (void);
- pascal OSErr IACdrivefilelist (tyFScallback);
- pascal OSType IACgetsender (void);